CrossFit. Best and worst practices.

CrossFit provides numerous advantages, like the spirit of defiance, an atmosphere of community, the variety and possibility of trainings, and the increase of speed and cardio. When a discipline or sport gains popularity like CrossFitness, one is tempted to throw themselves in without too many questions, and sometimes without enough preparation. To avoid serious injury and for adequate preparation, Studiogym presents a short article and 3D animations, which will give you a better understanding of the more technical movements and of the risks involved, as well as a list of best and worst practices.
Inspired notably by athletics, gymnastics, and weightlifting, CrossFitness is a type of training that combines an array of movements from several specialized disciplines that demand perfect technique and execution. It's important to understand their subtleties to avoid injuries and to ensure better results. It's also an intense discipline that demands a good understanding of and respect for your own abilities and limits.
Movements to watch: Cleans, jerks, and snatches
Cleans, jerks, and snatches are weightlifting moves. They have been used for a long time in past exercises to develop athletic performance, notably for soccer. Training with these movements in mind especially develops speed and power. With the arrival of CrossFitness, a training style that uses a lot of weightlifting moves, there is much excitement for this discipline. Many beginners adhere to it without really knowing the risks connected to such movements, which demand impeccable technique. To help you better understand them, here are some weightlifting moves animated in 3D, and accompanied with advice for technical pointers.
Best and worst practices for CrossFitness beginners
Listen: Listen to your body, listen to your coach, and begin gradually. As CrossFitness is intense, don't let yourself get carried away by quick gains and the group's energy; follow your coach's advice and take it one step at a time. Ensure that you understand a movement well before throwing yourself into an intense 100 set!
Self-awareness: Be attentive of your progress and your performance. Take notes if that helps you. Target your areas of improvement and plan from there.
Everyone for themselves: Yes, CrossFitness can be practiced in a group, but no, you should not compare yourself to anyone else. No one has their experience written on their forehead, and even if this were the case, we don't all have the same aptitudes and the same strengths. Don't push your limits just to surpass your neighbor. Push your limits, when you're ready, to surpass yourself.
Don't underestimate: Don't underestimate a training session. Even if an exercise seems easy, or if you already know the movements, the intensity of CrossFitness will probably make you regret your confidence in a few sets, or more insidiously, during the next day, when you have muscle fatigue.
Have fun: Just because you should be taking this discipline seriously and respecting its techniques doesn't mean you can't have fun. You're there to surpass your goals and to have an intense experience, so make the most of it and enjoy.